Document center
Welcome to the document center. We have compiled some forms for you which you may need in connection with the insolvency of your employer.
Truthful declaration
In order to clarify your employment relationship and your claims, a truthful questioning may be necessary.
Truthful Declaration
To clarify your employment relationship and your claims.
Documents to apply for insolvency money
Not all insolvency money claims can be met within the framework of organised pre-financing. The current law gives insolvency administrators only limited possibilities. Here you will find forms for applying for insolvency money. Please note that your personal application must be submitted to the Agentur für Arbeit no later than 2 months after the occurrence of the insolvency event. We also recommend that you read the comments on the Internet portal of the Federal Employment Agency.
Application to receive insolvency money
Personal application to receive insolvency money
(if the entitlement is not fulfilled as part of pre-financing).
Additional paper for family members
Additional paper for family members.
Advance payment for unpaid charges
Declaration on requesting an advance payment for unpaid charges.
Application for third-party insolvency money
In case any claims for insolvency money exist through assignments etc.
Additional paper shareholders/managing directors
Supplementary declaration for shareholders/managing directors on the application for insolvency money (also for third-party managing directors)
Insolvency money for employees. A leaflet from the Federal Employment Agency, which we are happy to recommend to others.
Filling aid for purchase agreement
Filling aid for the purchase agreement for the pre-financing of insolvency money.
You have been exempted from performing work and must apply for benefits within the framework of the nonetheless granted benefits and require a certificate of employment from your employer or the insolvency administrator of your employer.
Certificate for the receipt of unemployment benefit I
Employment certificate for the receipt of unemployment benefit I.
Certificate of additional income
Certificate of additional income.
You have claims against your employer which have not been settled by the payment of insolvency money and you would like to register these with the responsible insolvency administrator.
Insolvency receivables pursuant to § 38 InsO
Claims relating to the period prior to the opening of proceedings.
Please note the information sheet enclosed with the registration form. You can find out more about the modalities for registering your claims from the responsible insolvency administrator. Please note the deadlines for filing applications, which you can find in the court order or obtain from the responsible insolvency administrator. As a rule, late registrations are subject to a fee.
Liabilities from insolvency pursuant to § 55 InsO
Claims for the period after the opening of proceedings.
We also recommend that you visit the internet portal of the Federal Employment Agency (BfA)
On the internet portal of the Federal Employment Agency (BfA) you will find all the necessary forms and further information on the services of the Employment Agency, which you are welcome to take advantage of when reorienting your future career.