Insolvency money

Guide Insolvency money Insolvency money is the amount paid to employees by the Federal Employment Agency if the employer is unable to pay wages due to insolvency. The claim is regulated by law and comprises a maximum of three months, calculated retroactively of the...

Insolvency money pre-financing

Guide Insolvency money pre-financing Insolvency money is the amount paid to employees by the Federal Employment Agency if the employer is unable to pay wages due to insolvency. In this section we would like to briefly explain the procedure if the insolvency money can...

Leave of absence

Guide Leave of absence In labour law, leave of absence is defined as a unilateral order by the employer or an amicable agreement between the employee and the employer to release the employee permanently or temporarily from the obligation to perform his or her work. If...


Guide Termination Going through insolvency proceedings does not automatically mean losing one’s job. Even insolvency proceedings do not suspend fundamental provisions of protection against dismissal. We have collected the most frequently asked questions to us...

Transfer company

Guide Transfer company A transfer company in labour market policy is an instrument which, in coordination with the Federal Employment Agency, attempts to place employees of a company who are specifically threatened by unemployment into new employment relationships...

Insolvency money claim

Guide Insolvency money claim Employees are creditors in insolvency or restructuring proceedings with open claims against their employer. They are neither better nor worse off than the other creditors. However, employees are entitled to insolvency money for up to three...